
Atlas Automotive Equipment Lifts for Sale

MAXmotive is please to offer Atlas Automotive Equipment Lifts for Sale. This sturdy and dependable Atlas Four-post Drive-on Lift is like new. Having only been utilized as a storage unit for less than 18 months, the lift itself has seen very limited use. It can lift any vehicle up to 8000 pounds, with a maximum wheelbase of 153½ inches. That’s 1-ton crew cab territory. It works with a powerful 110V motor so you can plug in into any household type outlet. Then the system raises or gently lowers your vehicle. It comes with approach ramps that allow you to simply drive onto the lift. More than 3 feet between runways allow you access to the undercarriage of the vehicle for service or viewing. Easily movable and removable plastic trays protect vehicles below from oil drips. A robust castor kit allows you to move the unit easily and safely. Everything you need to get started is included. Whether you’re a pro looking for a quick and easy vehicle lift, or you just need more floor space in the shop, this drive-on lift is the perfect solution.

Asking Price:  $2850.00 +tx w/ all Optional Accessories


Make: Atlas Automotive Equipment
Model: Garage Pro 8000 EXT
Capacity: 8000 lbs
Lifting Height: 84¼” (7’ ¼”)
Overall Width of Columns: 114” (9 feet, 6 inches) (With Motor)
Overall Length: 207½” (17 feet, 3½ inches) (w/Approach Ramps)
Length Between Columns: 157½” (13 feet, 1½ inches)
Shipping Weight: 1739 lbs

For more information or further inquiry please call (412) 850-8025


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