At MAXmotive we specialize in selling Classic Muscle, Customs, and Exotic vehicles. Recently, we have noticed the European car market is on fire!!! In the recent months we’ve sold everything from Mercedes Benz’s to Porsche’s to MG’s, Triumph’s, BMW’s and Ferrari’s. Most have stayed in the United States; however some have been shipped to their country of origin. It’s always cool when we sell a car and see it go back home to where it was built. Now is the time to take advantage of this hot market and sell your Classic European Automobile. Maybe you have an old Mercedes 560sl parked in your garage and have no idea of what to do with it. Bring it over to us at MAXmotive and we can get it sold hassle free and no cost to you. Our experts will market your vehicle worldwide and feature it on multiple websites for maximum exposure. Don’t let that vehicle rot away in your driveway or garage. Bring it over to us and we will do everything possible to get you some cash for your ride. Visit for more details on our consignment process. While you’re there, check out our inventory and recent sales.

Last Call MOPAR Collection Bundle
January 3, 2024
Challenger, ‘Cuda, Charger, RoadRunner, GTX, Duster, Super Bee, Six-Pack, Magnum, and Hemi. Cars and engines with these revered...